Homemade Playdoh

Why homemade playdoh instead of store bought?

Homemade playdoh is popular for many reasons! Store bought playdoh can get expensive, especially if your kiddo leaves the lids off! But with homemade playdoh, you already have most of the ingredients you need at home and will not even have to go to the store. Another benefit to homemade playdoh is you know the ingredients of the playdoh! You won’t have to worry if your toddler comes running in eating a handful! The last reason, is your kiddos can help make it and it adds a little more fun for them! 


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/3 cup salt (any type works fine)
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 1 cup water
  • 5 drops of food coloring
  • 1 tablespoon of oil


  1. Pour flour, salt, cream of tartar into a pot and mix.
  2. In a separate bowl or cup, mix the water and food coloring. It seems to mix into the playdoh easier this way.
  3. Now, add the water with food coloring and oil into the pot and mix well.
  4. When all ingredients are mixed together, you can turn the stove on to medium/low heat and continue stirring. It may not start off smooth, but that is okay. You will stir it on the burner until it becomes a little bit solid. Remove from heat and place on parchment paper.
  5. Wait a few seconds for it to cool and then knead out any lumps and it should start to feel like playdoh!